Frequently Asked Questions

Find out everything you need to know

Law Related Questions

What is POPIA?

POPIA is South Africa’s data protection law which regulates the lawful processing of personal information or “data”.  POPIA comes into force on 1 July 2021. In doing so, POPIA aims to protect the constitutional right to privacy by giving persons more control over how their personal data is used and, at the same time, holding parties who use personal data, accountable by subjecting these responsible persons to certain rules and conditions thereby enabling them to lawfully process personal data)

Has POPIA commenced?

POPIA commenced on 1 July 2020 and there is a 1 year grace period which ends on 30 June 2021. From 1 July 2021, POPIA’s provisions and penalties will be fully effective and enforceable.

Does my organisation need to comply with POPIA?

If your organisation requests, collects, stores, deletes, uses or otherwise processes personal information you will need to comply with POPIA.

Who does POPIA protect?

POPIA protects individuals and legal entities such as companies, close corporations and trusts.

What are the penalties for non-compliances?

Up to 10 years imprisonment (per infringement) or R10 milion fine (per infringement). This does not take into account any further reputational damage or court action which may ensue from a failure to comply.

Product and service related FAQs

What is the POPIpack?

The POPIPack includes a generic set of legal data protection documents which, considering the sector your organisation may be regulated by, aims to deliver a POPIA compliance kick-start for the organisation.

The core minimum documents included in our different Packs are geared to help your organisation address its POPIA compliance from a legal documents standpoint. No matter the Pack or, if preferred, if separate legal documents are bought, every document has been carefully considered and drafted by legal professionals and is geared to provide the core minimum legal agreements which we believe every organisation shall need to at least, consider putting in place when it comes to their POPIA compliance project and no matter whether you are only getting started or reviewing what is presently in place.

I don’t know if the POPIPack is for me?

If you are not sure whether one of our POPIPack’s will suit you we recommend subscribing to our generic pack, working your way through the documents and then contacting us if you require our assistance in customising same and if necessary. Alternatively, consider attending our Information Knowledge Session or purchasing the pre-recorded version thereof. This session has been designed to gear you up for understanding what POPIA is and how you need to approach a data protection compliance project. If you are still not sure see our full range of service offerings and feel free to contact us to schedule a consult. We are here to help  and discuss your needs.

Can you audit us to make sure we are compliant?

Yes, together with our tech partners we offer legal and technical audit services to inspect your current systems in order to evaluate your compliance with POPIA’s processing requirements and other data protection laws such as the GDPR, where required.

Refer to our full range of service offerings and feel free to contact us to schedule a consult. We are here to help and discuss your needs.

What’s included in a purchased POPIPack?

Refer to our Product page for a description of each Pack’s contents

Do you offer individual legal documents?

Yes, refer to our products page where our single legal product solutions are available for viewing and purchasing.

Who is behind POPIPack?

POPIPack was designed by legal professionals. Find out who is in our team. Our consultancy legal services are offered through VDT Attorneys Inc. and we also offer various data protection tools and solutions through our Tech Partners.

Do you offer training solutions?

Yes we do. Training and overall awareness on POPIA and data protection is vital to understanding what you may need to do to ensure compliance with the conditions and standards. Please refer to our training offerings. If our pre-set online or face-to-face training offerings do not address your needs we are open to discuss a tailored workshop / training offering, please contact us if you feel you need a tailored training solution.

Is your training accredited?

No, our training is not accredited and/or affiliated with any higher education or skills development authority or institution. The skills development sessions are planned and presented online or face-to-face and aim to provide applicable information regarding a particular topic presented and equip attendees with valuable skills which may assist them in further decision-making regarding their POPIA compliance and/or data protection in general.

General FAQs

My password isn’t working.

I’ve tried to re-set my password but haven’t received an email with a Re-set password link.

We recently upgraded our website which required both new and returning customers to register a new profile. If you have done so since _________2020 please consider checking you spam/junk email folders for the email from our system. If you are still struggling, please email us at

How do I pay for a product or POPIPack?

Payment may be made using our secure check-out facility offered through PayFast or alternatively, through a direct electronic funds transfer (EFT) into our bank account – details of which will be displayed upon checking out and your preference of payment is made.

When do I get my documents purchased?

Once we have received proof of payment on our end, you will receive a notification by email with imbedded link therein. Click the link which will take you to our login page. Login using your registration details (email and password) and you will be able to access and download the documents immediately from the page.

What happens if I cannot access my documents?

Please feel free to contact us at or phone (012) 452 1300 and we will help you. We may need to ask you some security questions to verify your purchase and identity.

How do I know if I am using the most updated Pack?

If I have paid for an annual subscription of a POPIPack, we will send a notification email to the relevant subscribers when we update any of our POPIPacks as well as provide a pop-up notification on our website. It remains your responsibility to ensure that you login and download the most updated version. If you have purchased once-off versions of a certain Pack or single item documents, you will not be able to access the most up to date version unless you subscribe.

How do I cancel my subscription

Send an email to and we will attend to your request. Annual subscription fees will need to be paid up to date prior to any subscription being terminated. We reserve the right to charge a pro rata subscription fee in the event that a subscription is cancelled prior to the anniversary of the registration date (“annual renewal date”). Refer to our T&Cs for more information.